2017 Enlarged Developers Committee

2017-04-03 @ 14:30 – 2017-04-06 @ 12:30 Europe/Paris Timezone
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC)
Plaça d'Eusebi Güell
6, 08034 Barcelona

Main objectives of the meeting

The meeting will help set the agenda of the NEMO System Team task plans for 2018 – 2023 and to define the issues on which to focus scientific development of NEMO over the period 2018-2023.

Expected attendees

Since this meeting will have a key role in determining NEMO’s future strategy, it is not a fully open meeting. Registration requests will be subject to validation by the Scientific Organising Committee.
Expected participants are members of the NEMO Developer’s Committee, System Team, Steering Committee, so as some identified experts.

Scientific organising Committee

Mike Bell (Met Office, chairman), Laurent Brodeau (BSC), Jérome Chanut (Mercator Océan) , Andrew Coward (NERC-NOC), Tim Graham (Met Office), Claire Lévy (CNRS), Tomas Lovato (CMCC), Gurvan Madec (CNRS), Julien le Sommer (CNRS), Martin Vancoppenolle (CNRS)

Preliminary agenda

 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
pm am pm am pm am
Target applications Kernel (grids & timestepping) Dynamics and Assimilation Air-sea interaction Biogeochemistry Sea-ice and conclusions