From 2019 to 2024 NEMO was explicitly cited in more than 120 publications per year. To see the full list of publications, please refer to our zotero library.
Note: NEMO has a Special Issue in the open-access journal Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) from the European Geosciences Union The main scope is to collect relevant manuscripts covering various topics and to provide a single portal to assess the model potential and evolution.
See below a selection of recent publications in GMD for your convenience
DINO: A Diabatic Model of Pole-to-Pole Ocean Dynamics to Assess Subgrid Parameterizations across Horizontal Scales ( ), In EGUsphere, volume 2025, 2025.2024
Impact of ocean vertical-mixing parameterization on Arctic sea ice and upper-ocean properties using the NEMO-SI3 model ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 17, 2024.The sea ice component of GC5: coupling SI$^{3}$ to HadGEM3 using conductive fluxes ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 17, 2024.
Implementation of a brittle sea ice rheology in an Eulerian, finite-difference, C-grid modeling framework: impact on the simulated deformation of sea ice in the Arctic ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 17, 2024.
CAR36, a regional high-resolution ocean forecasting system for improving drift and beaching of \textitSargassum in the Caribbean archipelago ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 17, 2024.
BIOPERIANT12: a mesoscale resolving coupled physics-biogeochemical model for the Southern Ocean ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, volume 2024, 2024.
Correction of Air-Sea Heat Fluxes in the NEMO Ocean General Circulation Model Using Neural Networks ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, volume 2024, 2024.
Improving Antarctic Bottom Water precursors in NEMO for climate applications ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 16, 2023.Sensitivity of NEMO4.0-SI$^{3}$ model parameters on sea ice budgets in the Southern Ocean ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 16, 2023.
Reproducible and relocatable regional ocean modelling: fundamentals and practices ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 16, 2023.
The bulk parameterizations of turbulent air–sea fluxes in NEMO4: the origin of sea surface temperature differences in a global model study ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 15, 2022.GULF18, a high-resolution NEMO-based tidal ocean model of the Arabian/Persian Gulf ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 15, 2022.
Use of genetic algorithms for ocean model parameter optimisation: a case study using PISCES-v2_RC for North Atlantic particulate organic carbon ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 15, 2022.
Improving ocean modeling software NEMO 4.0 benchmarking and communication efficiency ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 15, 2022.
NEMO-Bohai 1.0: a high-resolution ocean and sea ice modelling system for the Bohai Sea, China ( ), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 15, 2022.