How to cite

Please click on the links below to be taken to the respective Zenodo repositories of each reference manual. To acknowledge the sustainable development efforts of the NEMO Consortium, please use the citation guidelines listed below in your publications and presentations using NEMO.

Ocean dynamics  

NEMO Ocean Engine Reference Manual


to cite: Madec, G. and the NEMO System Team, 2024. NEMO Ocean Engine Reference Manual, Zenodo,

Sea Ice

NEMO Sea Ice Engine (SI3) Reference Manual

Vancoppenolle, M., Rousset, C., Blockley, E., and the NEMO Sea Ice Working Group, 2023. SI3 – Sea Ice modelling Integrated Initiative – The NEMO Sea Ice Engine, Zenodo,, 2023.


NEMO Passive Tracer Engine Reference Manual

NEMO TOP Working Group, 2018. Tracer in Ocean Paradigm (TOP) — The NEMO passive tracer engine,
Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center (28) – ISSN 1288-1619, Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL)

For previous releases

NEMO (release 4.0)  Reference Manuals for NEMO v4.0, SI3 and TOP are available by clicking here at [doi]
PISCES-v2: an ocean biogeochemical model for carbon and ecosystem studies (Aumont, O., Ethé, C., Tagliabue, A., Bopp, L. and Gehlen, M.), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 8, . [bibtex] [doi]
The Louvain-La-Neuve sea ice model LIM3.6: global and regional capabilities (Rousset, C., Vancoppenolle, M., Madec, G., Fichefet, T., Flavoni, S., Barthélemy, A., Benshila, R., Chanut, J., Levy, C., Masson, S. and Vivier, F.), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 8, . [bibtex] [doi]

Simulating the mass balance and salinity of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. 1. Model description and validation (Martin Vancoppenolle, Thierry Fichefet, Hugues Goosse, Sylvain Bouillon, Gurvan Madec and Miguel Angel Morales Maqueda), In Ocean Modelling, volume 27, . () [bibtex] [doi]
NEMOTAM: tangent and adjoint models for the ocean modelling platform NEMO (Vidard, A., Bouttier, P.-A. and Vigilant, F.), In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 8, . [bibtex] [doi]
LIM3 LIM The Louvain-la-Neuve sea Ice Model (M. Vancoppenolle, S. Bouillon, T. Fichefet, H. Goosse, O. Lecomte, M. A. Morales Maqueda, G. Madec), Note du Pôle de Modélisation de l’Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace N°31, ISSN No 1288-1619, January 2012. [pdf]
LIM2 Importance of ice-ocean interactions for the global ocean circulation: A model study (Goosse, H. and Fichefet, T.), In Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, volume 104, . [bibtex] [doi]

Sensitivity of a global sea ice model to the treatment of ice thermodynamics and dynamics (Fichefet, T. and Maqueda, M. A. Morales), In Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, volume 102, . [bibtex] [doi]
Biogeochemistry Quel Schéma Numérique pour le Transport d’Organismes Biologiques par la Circulation Océanique ? (A. Estublier et M. Lévy), Note du Pôle de Mod́élisation de l’Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, Septembre 2000. [pdf]
OPA OPA 8 Ocean General Circulation Model - Reference Manual (G. Madec, P. Delecluse, M. Imbard and C. Levy), Technical report, LODYC/IPSL Note 11, . [bibtex]