Conservation Properties on Vertical Momentum Physics
As for the lateral momentum physics, the continuous form of the vertical diffusion
of momentum satisfies several integral constraints. The first two are associated
with the conservation of momentum and the dissipation of horizontal kinetic energy:
The first property is obvious. The second results from:
The vorticity is also conserved. Indeed:
If the vertical diffusion coefficient is uniform over the whole domain, the
enstrophy is dissipated,
This property is only satisfied in
Using the fact that the vertical diffusion coefficients are uniform, and that in
-coordinate, the vertical scale factors do not depend on
it follows:
Similarly, the horizontal divergence is obviously conserved:
and the square of the horizontal divergence decreases (
the horizontal
divergence is dissipated) if the vertical diffusion coefficient is uniform over the
whole domain:
This property is only satisfied in the
Gurvan Madec and the NEMO Team
NEMO European Consortium2017-02-17