- CPP keys
- Introduction
- key_ agrif
- ORCA pre-defined resolution
- key_ asminc
- Apply assimilation increments (ASM)
- key_ bdy
- no title
- key_ c1d
- no title
| Water column model: 1D
- key_ cice
- Handling of ice-covered area
| Interface to CICE (sbcice_cice)
- key_ coupled
- Coupled formulation (sbccpl)
- key_ cpl_carbon_cycle
- Coupled formulation (sbccpl)
- key_ diaar5
- no title
| Other Diagnostics (key_ diahth,
| Diagnosing the Steric effect
- key_ diadct
- no title
| Transports across sections (key_
- key_ diaharm
- no title
| Harmonic analysis of tidal
- key_ diahth
- no title
| Other Diagnostics (key_ diahth,
- key_ diainstant
- Old Model Output (default
- key_ diaobs
- Observation and model comparison
| Running the observation operator
- key_ dimgout
- no title
| Old Model Output (default
| Old Model Output (default
- key_ dynldf_c1d
- Lateral Mixing Coefficient (ldftra,
| no title
- key_ dynldf_c2d
- Lateral Mixing Coefficient (ldftra,
| no title
- key_ dynldf_c3d
- Lateral Mixing Coefficient (ldftra,
| no title
| no title
- key_ dynldf_smag
- no title
| Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- key_ dynspg_exp
- no title
| Explicit free surface (key_
| Bottom Friction with split-explicit
- key_ dynspg_flt
- no title
| Bottom Friction with split-explicit
- key_ dynspg_ts
- no title
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Bottom Friction with split-explicit
- key_ esopa
- Model Optimisation, Control Print
- key_ floats
- no title
- key_ IOM
- Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- key_ iomput
- Old Model Output (default
| Old Model Output (default
| Old Model Output (default
| Old Model Output (default
| NetCDF4 Support (key_ netcdf4)
| Output data
| Output data
- key_ ldfslp
- Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
- key_ lim2
- Handling of ice-covered area
- key_ lim3
- Coupled formulation (sbccpl)
| Handling of ice-covered area
- key_ mpp_mpi
- Domain Size
| Handling of icebergs (ICB)
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Standard model Output (IOM)
| MPP scalability
- key_ mpp_rep
- MPP reproducibility
- key_ nemocice_decomp
- Interface to CICE (sbcice_cice)
- key_ netcdf4
- no title
| NetCDF4 Support (key_ netcdf4)
| NetCDF4 Support (key_ netcdf4)
| NetCDF4 Support (key_ netcdf4)
| NetCDF4 Support (key_ netcdf4)
- key_ nosignedzero
- no title
| Issues with intrinsinc SIGN
- key_ noslip_accurate
- Boundary Condition at the
- key_ oasis3
- Coupled formulation (sbccpl)
- key_ pisces
- Coupled formulation (sbccpl)
- key_ tide
- External Forcings
| Tidal Potential (sbctide)
- key_ top
- Coupled formulation (sbccpl)
- key_ trabbl
- no title
| no title
| Diffusive Bottom Boundary layer
| Vertical Mixing
| Treatment of the triads
- key_ traldf_c1d
- Lateral Mixing Coefficient (ldftra,
| no title
- key_ traldf_c2d
- Lateral Mixing Coefficient (ldftra,
| no title
| Space and Time Varying
| Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
| Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
| Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
- key_ traldf_c3d
- Lateral Mixing Coefficient (ldftra,
| no title
| Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- key_ traldf_cNd
- Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
- key_ traldf_eiv
- Space and Time Varying
| Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
| Eddy Induced Velocity (traadv_eiv,
| Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
| Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
| Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
| The continuous skew flux
- key_ traldf_smag
- Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- key_ trddyn
- Ocean Dynamics (DYN)
- key_ trdmld_trc
- Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- key_ trdtrc
- Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- key_ trdvor
- Ocean Dynamics (DYN)
- key_ vectopt_loop
- Model Optimisation, Control Print
- key_ vvl
- Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| no title
| Tracer Advection (traadv)
| Surface boundary condition (trasbc)
| Surface boundary condition (trasbc)
| Sea surface height evolution
-coordinate with full step
- and
- and
| Surface pressure gradient (dynspg)
| Explicit free surface (key_
| Filtered free surface (key_
| Time evolution term (dynnxt)
| Time evolution term (dynnxt)
| Time evolution term (dynnxt)
| River runoffs (sbcrnf)
| TKE discretization considerations (key_
| Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
| Diagnosing the Steric effect
| Elliptic solvers (SOL)
- key_ zdfcst
- no title
| Constant (key_ zdfcst)
- key_ zdfddm
- Tracer Vertical Diffusion (trazdf)
| no title
| no title
| Double Diffusion Mixing (key_
- key_ zdfgls
- no title
| GLS Generic Length Scale
| GLS Generic Length Scale
| no title
- key_ zdfkpp
- no title
- key_ zdfric
- no title
| Richardson Number Dependent (key_
- key_ zdftke
- no title
| no title
| no title
| Turbulent Closure Scheme (key_
| Turbulent Closure Scheme (key_
- key_ zdftmx
- no title
- key_ zdftmx_new
- no title
- h90 file
- domzgr_substitute
- Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
- ldfdyn_substitute
- Lateral Mixing Coefficient (ldftra,
- ldftra_substitute
- Lateral Mixing Coefficient (ldftra,
- traldf_c1d
- Vertically varying Mixing Coefficients
- Input NetCDF files
- bathy_level.nc
- Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
- bathy_meter.nc
- Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| Meter Bathymetry
- bfr_coef.nc
- Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
- coordinates.nc
- Choice of horizontal grid
- geothermal_heating.nc
- Bottom Boundary Condition (trabbc)
- isfdraft_meter.nc
- Meter Bathymetry
- mask_itf.nc
- Indonesian area specific treatment
- subbasins.nc
- Other Diagnostics (key_ diahth,
- Model parameters
- jpi
- Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
- jpiglo
- Model Optimisation, Control Print
- jpj
- Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
- jpjglo
- Model Optimisation, Control Print
- jpk
- Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate with partial step
-coordinate with partial step
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| GYRE family: double gyre
- jpkdta
- Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
- jpni
- Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
- jpnij
- Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
- jpnj
- Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
- jpreci
- Exchange with neighbouring processors
- lk_vvl
- Tracer time evolution (tranxt)
- Modules
- closea
- no title
- daymod
- Standalone Surface Boundary Condition
- diaar5
- Other Diagnostics (key_ diahth,
| Diagnosing the Steric effect
- diahth
- Other Diagnostics (key_ diahth,
| Other Diagnostics (key_ diahth,
| Other Diagnostics (key_ diahth,
| Other Diagnostics (key_ diahth,
- diaptr
- Other Diagnostics (key_ diahth,
- diawri
- Standalone Surface Boundary Condition
| Old Model Output (default
- divcur
- no title
| River runoffs (sbcrnf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Boundary Condition at the
- domask
- Boundary Condition at the
- domhgr
- no title
| Coordinates and scale factors
| Coordinates and scale factors
| Choice of horizontal grid
| Hand made geometry changes
- dommsk
- Hand made geometry changes
- domzgr
- Coordinates and scale factors
| no title
-coordinate (ln_zco
| level bathymetry and mask
- dtatsd
- no title
| Domain: Initial State (istate
- dynadv
- no title
- dynadv_ubs
- Upstream Biased Scheme (UBS)
| Upstream Biased Scheme (UBS)
- dynbfr
- Bottom and Top Friction
| Non-Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Bottom Friction stability considerations
| Bottom Friction with split-explicit
| Bottom Friction with split-explicit
| Bottom Friction with split-explicit
| Bottom Friction with split-explicit
- dyncor_c1d
- Water column model: 1D
- dynhpg
- Horizontal Derivative in zps-coordinate
| no title
- dynkeg
- no title
- dynldf
- Ocean Dynamics (DYN)
| no title
- dynnept
- no title
- dynnxt
- Time stepping environment
| Surface pressure gradient (dynspg)
| Surface pressure gradient (dynspg)
| no title
| Time evolution term (dynnxt)
- dynsp_flt
- Time evolution term (dynnxt)
- dynspg
- no title
| Atmospheric pressure (sbcapr)
- dynspg_exp
- Explicit free surface (key_
- dynspg_flt
- Surface pressure gradient (dynspg)
| Surface pressure gradient (dynspg)
| Elliptic solvers (SOL)
- dynspg_ts
- Implicit Bottom Friction (ln_bfrimp
| Implicit Bottom Friction (ln_bfrimp
- dynvor
- no title
| Vorticity term (dynvor)
| no title
- dynzad
- no title
- dynzdf
- Ocean Dynamics (DYN)
| no title
| no title
| Surface boundary condition for
| Vertical Mixing
- dynzdf_imp
- Implicit Bottom Friction (ln_bfrimp
| Implicit Bottom Friction (ln_bfrimp
- eosbn2
- Ocean Tracers (TRA)
| no title
| Brunt-Väisälä Frequency (nn_eos =
| Freezing Point of Seawater
| Double Diffusion Mixing (key_
- fldread
- Changes between releases
| Tracer damping (tradmp)
| no title
- geo2ocean
- Rotation of vector pairs
- iom
- Standalone Surface Boundary Condition
| Water column model: 1D
- istate
- no title
| Domain: Initial State (istate
- lbclnk
- Closed, cyclic, south symmetric
| no title
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
- lbcnfd
- North-fold (jperio = 3
- ldfdyn
- no title
| Lateral Mixing Coefficient (ldftra,
- ldfdyn_c2d
- Horizontally Varying Mixing Coefficients
- ldfeiv
- no title
| Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
- ldfslp
- Tracer Lateral Diffusion (traldf)
| no title
- ldftra
- Tracer Lateral Diffusion (traldf)
| no title
| Lateral Mixing Coefficient (ldftra,
- lib_fortran
- no title
| Issues with intrinsinc SIGN
| MPP reproducibility
- lib_mpp
- no title
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
- nemogcm
- Standalone Surface Boundary Condition
- nemogcm.F90
- Observation and model comparison
- par_oce
- Exchange with neighbouring processors
- phycst
- Coordinates and scale factors
| Ocean Tracers (TRA)
| Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
- sbc_ana_gyre
- Analytical formulation (sbcana)
- sbcana
- no title
| Analytical formulation (sbcana)
- sbcapr
- no title
- sbcblk_clio
- no title
| no title
- sbcblk_core
- no title
| no title
- sbcblk_mfs
- no title
| no title
- sbccpl
- no title
- sbcdcy
- no title
| Diurnal cycle (sbcdcy)
- sbcflx
- no title
- sbcfwb
- no title
- sbcice_if
- Handling of ice-covered area
- sbcice_cice
- no title
- sbcisf
- no title
- sbcmod
- Surface boundary condition (trasbc)
| Surface boundary condition for
| Standalone Surface Boundary Condition
- sbcrnf
- no title
- sbcsas
- Standalone Surface Boundary Condition
- sbcssr
- Atmospheric pressure (sbcapr)
| no title
- sbctide
- no title
- sbcwave
- no title
| Neutral drag coefficient from
- solpcg
- no title
- solsor
- no title
- sshwzv
- no title
- step
- Standalone Surface Boundary Condition
- step.F90
- Observation and model comparison
- step_c1d
- Water column model: 1D
- stpctl
- Standalone Surface Boundary Condition
- traadv
- no title
- traadv_cen2
order centred scheme
- traadv_eiv
- no title
| Eddy Induced Velocity (traadv_eiv,
- traadv_lap
- Iso-level laplacian operator (lap)
- traadv_qck
- QUICKEST scheme (QCK) (ln_traadv_qck)
- traadv_tvd
- Total Variance Dissipation scheme
| MUSCL scheme (ln_traadv_muscl)
- traadv_tvd2
- MUSCL scheme (ln_traadv_muscl)
- traadv_ubs
- Upstream-Biased Scheme (UBS) (ln_traadv_ubs)
- trabbc
- no title
- trabbl
- no title
| no title
- tracla
- no title
- tradmp
- no title
- traldf
- Introduction
| no title
| Horizontal Derivative in zps-coordinate
- traldf_bilap
- Iso-level bilaplacian operator (bilap)
- traldf_bilapg
- Rotated bilaplacian operator (bilapg)
- traldf_iso
- Rotated laplacian operator (iso)
- traldf_lap
- Iso-level laplacian operator (lap)
- tranpc
- Ocean Tracers (TRA)
- tranxt
- Time stepping environment
| no title
| Tracer time evolution (tranxt)
- traqsr
- no title
| Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
| Surface boundary condition for
- trasbc
- no title
| Surface boundary condition (trasbc)
| Surface boundary condition for
- trazdf
- Rotated laplacian operator (iso)
| no title
| Tracer time evolution (tranxt)
| Vertical Mixing
- trc_oce
- Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
- trddyn
- Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- trdtra
- Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- zdfbfr
- no title
| Bottom and Top Friction
| Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Non-Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Bottom Friction stability considerations
| Bottom Friction with split-explicit
- zdfddm
- Double Diffusion Mixing (key_
- zdfgls
- Vertical Mixing
- zdfini
- Vertical Mixing
- zdfkpp
- Vertical Mixing
| Turbulent Closure Scheme (key_
- zdfric
- Vertical Mixing
- zdftke
- Vertical Mixing
- zpsdhe
-coordinate with partial step
- zpshde
- Iso-level laplacian operator (lap)
| no title
| Horizontal Derivative in zps-coordinate
- Namelist
- Introduction
- Namelist Group Name
- namnc4
- NetCDF4 Support (key_ netcdf4)
- nam_asminc
- Apply assimilation increments (ASM)
- nam_dynldf
- Lateral Ocean Physics (LDF)
- nam_tide
- Tidal Potential (sbctide)
- nam_traadv
- Tracer Advection (traadv)
- nam_traldf
- Lateral Ocean Physics (LDF)
- namasm
- Implementation details
- nambbl
- Bottom Boundary Layer (trabbl.F90
- nambdy
- Unstructured Open Boundary Conditions
- nambdy_dta
- Unstructured Open Boundary Conditions
- nambdy_dta2
- Unstructured Open Boundary Conditions
- nambdy_index
- Unstructured Open Boundary Conditions
- nambdy_tide
- Tidal harmonic forcing
- namberg
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- nambfr
- Bottom and Top Friction
- namcfg
- Domain Size
| Domain Size
| Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
| Closed, cyclic, south symmetric
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Simple subsetting of input
| Introduction
| Water column model: 1D
| ORCA pre-defined resolution
- namcla
- Cross Land Advection (tracla.F90)
- namctl
- Model Optimisation, Control Print
- namdct
- Transports across sections (key_
- namdia_harm
- Harmonic analysis of tidal
- namdom
- Output Grid files
| Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| Meter Bathymetry
-coordinate with partial step
| Tracer time evolution (tranxt)
| Time evolution term (dynnxt)
| Accelerating the Convergence (nn_acc
- namdyn_adv
- Coriolis and Advection: vector
| Coriolis and Advection: flux
- namdyn_hpg
- Hydrostatic pressure gradient (dynhpg)
- namdyn_ldf
- Lateral diffusion term (dynldf)
- namdyn_spg
- Surface pressure gradient (dynspg)
- namdyn_vor
- Vorticity term (dynvor)
- nameos
- Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
- namflo
- On-line Floats trajectories (FLO)
- namlbc
- Boundary Condition at the
- nammpp
- Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
- namobs
- Running the observation operator
| Technical details
- namptr
- Other Diagnostics (key_ diahth,
- namrun
- Start/Restart strategy
| CF metadata standard compliance
- namsbc
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Atmospheric pressure (sbcapr)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Diurnal cycle (sbcdcy)
| Handling of ice-covered area
| Neutral drag coefficient from
- namsbc_ana
- Analytical formulation (sbcana)
- namsbc_flx
- Flux formulation (sbcflx)
- namsbc_cpl
- Coupled formulation (sbccpl)
- namsbc_clio
- CLIO Bulk formulea (ln_clio=true)
- namsbc_core
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- namsbc_mfs
- MFS Bulk formulea (ln_mfs=true)
- namsbc_rnf
- River runoffs (sbcrnf)
- namsbc_sas
- Standalone Surface Boundary Condition
- namsbc_ssr
- Surface restoring to observed
- namsbc_wave
- Neutral drag coefficient from
- namsol
- Elliptic solvers (SOL)
- namtra_bbc
- Bottom Boundary Condition (trabbc)
- namtra_dmp
- Tracer damping (tradmp)
- namtra_ldf
- Tracer Lateral Diffusion (traldf)
| no title
- namtra_qsr
- Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
- namtrd
- no title
| Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
| Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- namtsd
- Domain: Initial State (istate
- namzdf
- Tracer Vertical Diffusion (trazdf)
| Vertical diffusion term (dynzdf.F90)
| Constant (key_ zdfcst)
| Non-Penetrative Convective Adjustment (ln_tranpc)
| Enhanced Vertical Diffusion (ln_zdfevd)
- namzdf_ddm
- Double Diffusion Mixing (key_
- namzdf_gls
- GLS Generic Length Scale
| GLS Generic Length Scale
- namzdf_kpp
- K Profile Parametrisation (KPP)
- namzdf_ric
- Richardson Number Dependent (key_
- namzdf_tmx
- Bottom intensified tidal mixing
- namzdf_tmx_new
- Internal wave-driven mixing (key_
- namzdfy_tke
- TKE Turbulent Closure Scheme
- namzgr
- Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
- namzgr_sco
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- Namelist variables
- botmix_grif
- Treatment of the triads
| Treatment of the triads
| Treatment of the triads
| Treatment of the triads
- clname
- Tidal Potential (sbctide)
- cn_dir
- Input Data generic interface
| CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- cn_mask_file
- Boundary geometry
- cn_resto
- Tracer damping (tradmp)
- cp_cfg
| ORCA pre-defined resolution
| ORCA pre-defined resolution
- cp_cpz
- enactfiles
- Running the observation operator
| Running the observation operator
- endailyavtypes
- Observation and model comparison
- init_float_ariane
- Input data: initial coordinates
- iom_get
- Simple subsetting of input
- iom_put
- NetCDF4 Support (key_ netcdf4)
- jp_cfg
| ORCA pre-defined resolution
| GYRE family: double gyre
| GYRE family: double gyre
| GYRE family: double gyre
- jperio
- Choice of horizontal grid
| Meter Bathymetry
| no title
| no title
| Closed, cyclic, south symmetric
- jphgr_mesh
- Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
- jpidta
- Domain Size
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
- jpiglo
- Domain Size
| Domain Size
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| ORCA pre-defined resolution
| GYRE family: double gyre
- jpindt
- Boundary geometry
- jpinft
- Boundary geometry
- jpizoom
- no title
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Water column model: 1D
- jpjdta
- Domain Size
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Simple subsetting of input
- jpjglo
- Domain Size
| Domain Size
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Simple subsetting of input
| ORCA pre-defined resolution
| GYRE family: double gyre
- jpjnob
- Boundary geometry
- jpjzoom
- no title
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
| Water column model: 1D
- jpkdta
- Domain Size
| Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
- jpkglo
- Sub-Domain Functionality (jpizoom, jpjzoom)
- jpnfl
- Input data: initial coordinates
- jpnflnewflo
- Input data: initial coordinates
- jpni
- MPP scalability
- ln_ana
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
- ln_apr_dyn
- External Forcings
| Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Atmospheric pressure (sbcapr)
- ln_apr_obc
- Atmospheric pressure (sbcapr)
- ln_ariane
- Input data: initial coordinates
- ln_asmdin
- Direct initialization
- ln_asmiau
- Incremental Analysis Updates
- ln_bfr2d
- Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Non-Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
- ln_bfrimp
- no title
| Implicit Bottom Friction (ln_bfrimp
| no title
| Bottom Friction with split-explicit
- ln_blk_clio
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
- ln_blk_core
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Diurnal cycle (sbcdcy)
- ln_blk_mfs
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
- ln_botmix_grif
- Treatment of the triads
| Treatment of the triads
| Treatment of the triads
| Treatment of the triads
| Treatment of the triads
- ln_bt_av
- Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
- ln_bt_fw
- Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
- ln_bt_nn_auto
- Split-Explicit free surface (key_
- ln_cdgw
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Neutral drag coefficient from
- ln_cfmeta
- CF metadata standard compliance
- ln_clio
- Bulk formulation (sbcblk_core, sbcblk_clio
| no title
| no title
| Rotation of vector pairs
- ln_coast
- ln_conserve
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- ln_coords_file
- The namelists
| The namelists
- ln_core
- Bulk formulation (sbcblk_core, sbcblk_clio
| no title
| no title
| Rotation of vector pairs
- ln_cpl
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Coupled formulation (sbccpl)
- ln_crban
- GLS Generic Length Scale
- ln_ctl
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
| Model Optimisation, Control Print
| Model Optimisation, Control Print
- ln_custom
- ln_diaptr
- Other Diagnostics (key_ diahth,
- ln_divisf
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- ln_dm2dc
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Diurnal cycle (sbcdcy)
- ln_dyn_mxl
- Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
| Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- ln_dyn_trd
- Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- ln_dynadv_cen2
- Flux form Advection term
| no title
- ln_dynadv_ubs
- Flux form Advection term
| no title
| Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- ln_dynhpg_djc
- and
- ln_dynhpg_imp
- no title
| no title
| Time-scheme (ln_dynhpg_imp)
| Time-scheme (ln_dynhpg_imp)
| Time-scheme (ln_dynhpg_imp)
- ln_dynhpg_isf
- Ice shelf cavity
- ln_dynhpg_prj
- and
- and
- ln_dynhpg_sco
- and
- and
- ln_dynhpg_vec
- Coriolis and Advection: vector
| Coriolis and Advection: vector
| Time evolution term (dynnxt)
| Time evolution term (dynnxt)
- ln_dynhpg_zco
- no title
| no title
- ln_dynhpg_zps
- no title
| no title
- ln_dynldf_bilap
- Upstream Biased Scheme (UBS)
| no title
| no title
| Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- ln_dynldf_hor
- Rotated laplacian operator (ln_dynldf_iso)
| Rotated laplacian operator (ln_dynldf_iso)
| Direction of Lateral Mixing
| slopes for tracer geopotential
- ln_dynldf_iso
- no title
| no title
| Rotated laplacian operator (ln_dynldf_iso)
| Rotated laplacian operator (ln_dynldf_iso)
- ln_dynldf_lap
- Upstream Biased Scheme (UBS)
| no title
| no title
| Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- ln_dynvor_een
- no title
| no title
| no title
- ln_dynvor_een_old
- Energy and enstrophy conserving
| Energy and enstrophy conserving
- ln_dynvor_ene
- no title
| no title
- ln_dynvor_ens
- no title
| no title
- ln_dynvor_mix
- no title
- ln_dynzad_zts
- Total Variance Dissipation scheme
| Vertical advection term (dynzad)
- ln_ena
- Running the observation operator
- ln_flo_ascii
- Output data
| Output data
- ln_flork4
- On-line Floats trajectories (FLO)
- ln_flx
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Flux formulation (sbcflx)
| Diurnal cycle (sbcdcy)
| Rotation of vector pairs
| Surface restoring to observed
- ln_flxqsr
- Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
| Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
- ln_full_field
- ln_glo_trd
- Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- ln_grid_global
- Running the observation operator
- ln_grid_search_lookup
- Running the observation operator
- ln_icebergs
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- ln_isfcav
- Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| Meter Bathymetry
-coordinate (ln_zco
| level bathymetry and mask
| Horizontal Derivative in zps-coordinate
| Horizontal Derivative in zps-coordinate
| Ice shelf cavity
| Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Log-layer Bottom Friction enhancement
- ln_isfcav = .false.
- Simple subsetting of input
- ln_KE_trd
- Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- ln_lc
- Langmuir cells
- ln_length_lim
- GLS Generic Length Scale
- ln_loglayer
- no title
| Log-layer Bottom Friction enhancement
- ln_med_red_seas
- ln_mevar
- Internal wave-driven mixing (key_
- ln_mfs
- Bulk formulation (sbcblk_core, sbcblk_clio
| no title
| no title
- ln_mixcpl
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Standalone Surface Boundary Condition
- ln_mldw
- Richardson Number Dependent (key_
- ln_mxl0
- Surface wave breaking parameterization
- ln_nc4zip
- NetCDF4 Support (key_ netcdf4)
| NetCDF4 Support (key_ netcdf4)
- ln_neptramp
- Neptune effect (dynnept)
- ln_neptsimp
- Neptune effect (dynnept)
- ln_nnogather
- MPP scalability
- ln_old_31_lev_code
- ln_qsr_2bd
- Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
- ln_qsr_bio
- Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
- ln_qsr_rgb
- Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
- ln_ref_apr
- Atmospheric pressure (sbcapr)
- ln_rnf
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
- ln_rnf_depth
- River runoffs (sbcrnf)
- ln_rnf_depth_ini
- River runoffs (sbcrnf)
- ln_rnf_sal
- River runoffs (sbcrnf)
- ln_rnf_temp
- River runoffs (sbcrnf)
- ln_rstflo
- Input data: initial coordinates
- ln_s3d
- Running the observation operator
- ln_sco
- Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| no title
| no title
-coordinate (ln_sco)
| slopes for tracer geopotential
- ln_sco_SF12
-coordinate (ln_sco)
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- ln_sco_SH94
-coordinate (ln_sco)
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- ln_sigcrit
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- ln_smooth_neptvel
- Neptune effect (dynnept)
- ln_ssr
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
- ln_subbas
- Other Diagnostics (key_ diahth,
- ln_t3d
- Running the observation operator
- ln_taudif
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- ln_tide_pot
- External Forcings
| Tidal Potential (sbctide)
- ln_tmx_itf
- Indonesian area specific treatment
| Indonesian area specific treatment
- ln_tra_mxl
- Ocean Tracers (TRA)
| Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
| Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- ln_tra_trd
- Ocean Tracers (TRA)
| Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- ln_traadv_cen2
- no title
| no title
- ln_traadv_muscl
- no title
| no title
| MUSCL scheme (ln_traadv_muscl)
| MUSCL scheme (ln_traadv_muscl)
- ln_traadv_muscl2
- MUSCL scheme (ln_traadv_muscl)
- ln_traadv_qck
- no title
| no title
- ln_traadv_tvd
- no title
| no title
- ln_traadv_tvd_zts
- Total Variance Dissipation scheme
| Vertical advection term (dynzad)
- ln_traadv_ubs
- no title
| no title
| Upstream-Biased Scheme (UBS) (ln_traadv_ubs)
- ln_trabbc
- Bottom Boundary Condition (trabbc)
- ln_tradmp
- Tracer damping (tradmp)
- ln_traldf_bilap
- no title
| no title
| Iso-level bilaplacian operator (bilap)
| no title
| no title
| Rotated bilaplacian operator (bilapg)
- ln_traldf_botmix
- Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
- ln_traldf_gdia
- Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
| Streamfunction diagnostics
- ln_traldf_grif
- Rotated laplacian operator (iso)
| Rotated laplacian operator (iso)
| Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
| The continuous skew flux
| The continuous skew flux
- ln_traldf_hor
- Iso-level laplacian operator (lap)
| Rotated laplacian operator (iso)
| Iso-level bilaplacian operator (bilap)
| Rotated bilaplacian operator (bilapg)
| Direction of Lateral Mixing
| slopes for tracer geopotential
- ln_traldf_iso
- Rotated laplacian operator (iso)
| Rotated bilaplacian operator (bilapg)
| Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
| Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
- ln_traldf_lap
- no title
| no title
| Iso-level laplacian operator (lap)
| no title
| no title
| Rotated laplacian operator (iso)
- ln_traldf_level
- Iso-level laplacian operator (lap)
| Iso-level bilaplacian operator (bilap)
- ln_tranpc
- no title
| no title
- ln_traqsr
- Surface boundary condition for
- ln_triad_iso
- Linear slope tapering within
| Additional truncation of skew
| Tapering within the surface
- ln_tsd_ini
- Domain: Initial State (istate
- ln_tsd_init
- Tracer damping (tradmp)
- ln_tsd_tradmp
- Tracer damping (tradmp)
- ln_tsdiff
- Internal wave-driven mixing (key_
- ln_useCT
- Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
- ln_vor_trd
- Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
| Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- ln_zco
- Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| no title
| no title
| Iso-level laplacian operator (lap)
| Rotated laplacian operator (iso)
| Iso-level bilaplacian operator (bilap)
| Rotated bilaplacian operator (bilapg)
- ln_zdfevd
- no title
| no title
| Enhanced Vertical Diffusion (ln_zdfevd)
| Turbulent Closure Scheme (key_
- ln_zdfexp
- Diffusive Part
| Diffusive Part
| Tracer Vertical Diffusion (trazdf)
| Tracer Vertical Diffusion (trazdf)
| Tracer Vertical Diffusion (trazdf)
| Vertical diffusion term (dynzdf.F90)
| Vertical diffusion term (dynzdf.F90)
| Vertical diffusion term (dynzdf.F90)
| Vertical Mixing
| Vertical Mixing
| Enhanced Vertical Diffusion (ln_zdfevd)
| Implicit Bottom Friction (ln_bfrimp
- ln_zdfnpc
- Non-Penetrative Convective Adjustment (ln_tranpc)
| Turbulent Closure Scheme (key_
- ln_zdftmx_itf
- no title
- ln_zero_top_layer
- ln_zps
- Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| Domain: Vertical Grid (domzgr)
| no title
| no title
| Iso-level laplacian operator (lap)
| Rotated laplacian operator (iso)
| Horizontal Derivative in zps-coordinate
| Horizontal Derivative in zps-coordinate
| Horizontal Derivative in zps-coordinate
- lzoom_e
- lzoom_n
- lzoom_s
- lzoom_w
- namelist_cfg
- Simple subsetting of input
- nb_ana
- Harmonic analysis of tidal
- nb_bdy
- The namelists
- nb_harmo
- Tidal Potential (sbctide)
- nbdysegn
- Boundary geometry
- nit000
- Harmonic analysis of tidal
- nit000_han
- Harmonic analysis of tidal
| Harmonic analysis of tidal
- nitend
- Harmonic analysis of tidal
- nitend_han
- Harmonic analysis of tidal
| Harmonic analysis of tidal
- nn_acc
- no title
| Accelerating the Convergence (nn_acc
- nn_atfp
- Time evolution term (dynnxt)
| Time evolution term (dynnxt)
- nn_baro
- Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Split-Explicit free surface (key_
| Bottom Friction with split-explicit
- nn_bathy
- Meter Bathymetry
| Meter Bathymetry
| Meter Bathymetry
| Meter Bathymetry
- nn_bbl_adv
- no title
| Advective Bottom Boundary Layer
| Advective Bottom Boundary Layer
| Advective Bottom Boundary Layer
- nn_bbl_ldf
- no title
| Diffusive Bottom Boundary layer
| Treatment of the triads
- nn_bench
- Model Optimisation, Control Print
- nn_bit_cmp
- Model Optimisation, Control Print
- nn_botfr
- no title
| Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| no title
| no title
- nn_chdta
- Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
| Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
| Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
- nn_clo
- GLS Generic Length Scale
| GLS Generic Length Scale
- nn_clos
- GLS Generic Length Scale
| GLS Generic Length Scale
- nn_dct
- Transports across sections (key_
- nn_dctwri
- Transports across sections (key_
- nn_debug
- Transports across sections (key_
- nn_divdmp
- Divergence damping initialisation
- nn_dttrc
- Other controls of the
| Other controls of the
- nn_dynhpg_rst
- Hydrostatic Pressure Gradient
| Start/Restart strategy
| Time-scheme (ln_dynhpg_imp)
- nn_ediff
- TKE Turbulent Closure Scheme
- nn_ediss
- TKE Turbulent Closure Scheme
- nn_eos
- no title
| Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
| Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
| Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
| Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
| no title
| Slopes for tracer iso-neutral
- nn_etau
- Mixing just below the
| Mixing just below the
| Mixing just below the
| Mixing just below the
- nn_evdm
- Enhanced Vertical Diffusion (ln_zdfevd)
| Enhanced Vertical Diffusion (ln_zdfevd)
| Enhanced Vertical Diffusion (ln_zdfevd)
- nn_fsbc
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Surface boundary condition for
| Surface boundary condition for
| Input Data specification (fldread.F90)
| Input Data specification (fldread.F90)
| Input Data specification (fldread.F90)
| Interface to CICE (sbcice_cice)
| Other controls of the
- nn_fwb
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Freshwater budget control (sbcfwb)
| Freshwater budget control (sbcfwb)
| Freshwater budget control (sbcfwb)
- nn_gammablk = 0
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- nn_gammablk = 1
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- nn_gammablk = 2
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- nn_geoflx
- Bottom Boundary Condition (trabbc)
| Bottom Boundary Condition (trabbc)
- nn_geoflx_cst
- Bottom Boundary Condition (trabbc)
- nn_hdmp
- nn_ice
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Handling of ice-covered area
- nn_ice_embd
- External Forcings
- nn_isf
- Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Surface Boundary Condition (SBC,
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- nn_isfblk
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- nn_max
- Successive Over Relaxation (nn_solv=2,
| Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (nn_solv=1,
| Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (nn_solv=1,
- nn_msh
| Exchange with neighbouring processors
- nn_mxl
- Turbulent length scale
| Turbulent length scale
| Turbulent length scale
| Turbulent length scale
| Turbulent length scale
| Turbulent length scale
- nn_nit000
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- nn_npc
- Non-Penetrative Convective Adjustment (ln_tranpc)
- nn_pdl
- TKE Turbulent Closure Scheme
- nn_ric
- Richardson Number Dependent (key_
- nn_rimwidth
- The Flow Relaxation Scheme
- nn_rnf_depth_file
- River runoffs (sbcrnf)
- nn_sample_rate
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- nn_solv
- Elliptic solvers (SOL)
| no title
| no title
- nn_stab_func
- GLS Generic Length Scale
- nn_stockfl
- Output data
- nn_tau000
- Analytical formulation (sbcana)
- nn_test_box
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- nn_test_icebergs
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
| Handling of icebergs (ICB)
| Handling of icebergs (ICB)
| Handling of icebergs (ICB)
| Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- nn_tkebc_bot
- GLS Generic Length Scale
- nn_tkebc_surf
- GLS Generic Length Scale
- nn_tra
- The namelists
- nn_tra_dta
- The namelists
| The namelists
| The namelists
- nn_trd
- Tracer/Dynamics Trends (TRD)
- nn_verbose_level
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- nn_verbose_write
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- nn_volctl
- Volume correction
| Volume correction
| Volume correction
| Volume correction
- nn_writefl
- Output data
- nn_zdfexp
- Diffusive Part
| Tracer Vertical Diffusion (trazdf)
| Tracer Vertical Diffusion (trazdf)
| Vertical diffusion term (dynzdf.F90)
| Vertical diffusion term (dynzdf.F90)
- nn_zdmp
- Tracer damping (tradmp)
- nn_zpyc
- Internal wave-driven mixing (key_
- nstep_han
- Harmonic analysis of tidal
- nz_rnf
- River runoffs (sbcrnf)
- open_ocean_jstart
- Simple subsetting of input
| Simple subsetting of input
| Simple subsetting of input
| Simple subsetting of input
- ppa0
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
- ppa1
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
- ppacr
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
- ppacr=0
-coordinate (ln_zco
- ppdzmin
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
- ppe1_deg
- Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
- ppe1_m
- Choice of horizontal grid
- ppe2_deg
- Choice of horizontal grid
- ppe2_m
- Choice of horizontal grid
- ppglam0
- Choice of horizontal grid
- ppglamt0
- Choice of horizontal grid
- ppgphi0
- Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
| Choice of horizontal grid
- pphmax
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate with partial step
-coordinate with partial step
- ppkth
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
- ppsur
-coordinate (ln_zco
-coordinate (ln_zco
- rn_a0
- Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
- rn_abs
- Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
- rn_aeih_0
- Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
- rn_aeiv
- Eddy Induced Velocity (traadv_eiv,
- rn_aeiv_0
- Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
| Choice of namtra_ldf namelist
- rn_ahm_0_lap
- Constant Mixing Coefficients (default
| Vertically varying Mixing Coefficients
| Horizontally Varying Mixing Coefficients
| Horizontally Varying Mixing Coefficients
- rn_ahm_m_lap
- Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- rn_ahmb_0
- Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- rn_aht_0
- Constant Mixing Coefficients (default
| Vertically varying Mixing Coefficients
| Horizontally Varying Mixing Coefficients
| Horizontally Varying Mixing Coefficients
- rn_aht_m
- Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- rn_ahtb_0
- Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- rn_ahtbbl
- Diffusive Bottom Boundary layer
- rn_alp
- Richardson Number Dependent (key_
- rn_alpha
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- rn_atfp
- Non-Diffusive Part
| Non-Diffusive Part
| Tracer time evolution (tranxt)
| Tracer time evolution (tranxt)
- rn_avevd
- Enhanced Vertical Diffusion (ln_zdfevd)
- rn_avm0
- Constant (key_ zdfcst)
| TKE Turbulent Closure Scheme
- rn_avmri
- Richardson Number Dependent (key_
- rn_avt0
- Constant (key_ zdfcst)
| TKE Turbulent Closure Scheme
- rn_b0
- Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
- rn_bb
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- rn_bfeb2
- Non-Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Non-Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Non-Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
- rn_bfri1
- Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
- rn_bfri2
- Non-Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Non-Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Non-Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Log-layer Bottom Friction enhancement
- rn_bfri2_max
- Log-layer Bottom Friction enhancement
- rn_bfrien
- Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
| Non-Linear Bottom Friction (nn_botfr
- rn_bfrz0
- Log-layer Bottom Friction enhancement
- rn_bits_erosion_fraction
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- rn_bot
- rn_bt_cmax
- Split-Explicit free surface (key_
- rn_charn
- GLS Generic Length Scale
- rn_chsmag
- Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- rn_clim_galp
- GLS Generic Length Scale
- rn_cmsh
- Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
| Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- rn_cmsmag_1
- Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
| Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- rn_cmsmag_2
- Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- rn_crban
- GLS Generic Length Scale
- rn_dep
- rn_dep_max
- River runoffs (sbcrnf)
- rn_e3zps_min
-coordinate with partial step
- rn_ebb
- TKE Turbulent Closure Scheme
| Surface wave breaking parameterization
| Surface wave breaking parameterization
- rn_efac
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- rn_efr
- Mixing just below the
- rn_emin
- TKE Turbulent Closure Scheme
- rn_emin0
- Surface wave breaking parameterization
- rn_emp0
- Analytical formulation (sbcana)
- rn_eps
- Successive Over Relaxation (nn_solv=2,
| Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (nn_solv=1,
- rn_gambbl
- Advective Bottom Boundary Layer
- rn_gammas0
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- rn_gammat0
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- rn_hc
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- rn_hisf_tbl
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- rn_htmx
- Bottom intensified tidal mixing
- rn_htrmax
- Neptune effect (dynnept)
- rn_htrmin
- Neptune effect (dynnept)
- rn_initial_mass
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- rn_initial_thickness
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- rn_lambda1
- Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
- rn_lambda2
- Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
- rn_lc
- Langmuir cells
- rn_mass_scaling
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- rn_me
- Bottom intensified tidal mixing
- rn_mldmax
- Richardson Number Dependent (key_
- rn_mldmin
- Richardson Number Dependent (key_
- rn_mu1
- Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
- rn_mu2
- Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
- rn_mxl0
- Turbulent length scale
| Turbulent length scale
- rn_n2min
- Bottom intensified tidal mixing
- rn_nu
- Equation Of Seawater (nn_eos
- rn_pfac
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- rn_qns0
- Analytical formulation (sbcana)
- rn_qsr0
- Analytical formulation (sbcana)
- rn_rdt
- Bottom Friction with split-explicit
| Bottom Friction with split-explicit
| Other controls of the
| Other controls of the
| Other controls of the
| Other controls of the
| Accelerating the Convergence (nn_acc
- rn_rdth
- Accelerating the Convergence (nn_acc
- rn_rdtmax
- Accelerating the Convergence (nn_acc
| Accelerating the Convergence (nn_acc
- rn_rdtmin
- Accelerating the Convergence (nn_acc
| Accelerating the Convergence (nn_acc
- rn_rmax
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- rn_rnf_max
- River runoffs (sbcrnf)
- rn_sbot_max
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- rn_sbot_min
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- rn_shlat
- no title
| Boundary Condition at the
| Boundary Condition at the
| Boundary Condition at the
| Boundary Condition at the
| Boundary Condition at the
- rn_si0
- Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
| Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
- rn_smsh
- Smagorinsky viscosity (key_ dynldf_c3d
- rn_sor
- Successive Over Relaxation (nn_solv=2,
- rn_surf
- rn_tfe
- Bottom intensified tidal mixing
- rn_tfe_itf
- Indonesian area specific treatment
- rn_tfri2
- Log-layer Bottom Friction enhancement
- rn_tfri2_max
- Log-layer Bottom Friction enhancement
- rn_tfrz0
- Log-layer Bottom Friction enhancement
- rn_theta
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- rn_tslse
- Neptune effect (dynnept)
- rn_tslsp
- Neptune effect (dynnept)
- rn_utau0
- Analytical formulation (sbcana)
- rn_vfac
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- rn_vtau0
- Analytical formulation (sbcana)
- rn_wtmix
- Richardson Number Dependent (key_
- rn_wvmix
- Richardson Number Dependent (key_
- rn_zb_a
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- rn_zb_b
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- rn_zqt
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- rn_zs
-coordinate (ln_sco)
- rn_zu
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- sbc_wave
- Neutral drag coefficient from
- sn_apr
- Atmospheric pressure (sbcapr)
- sn_clc
- MFS Bulk formulea (ln_mfs=true)
- sn_depmax_isf
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- sn_depmin_isf
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
| Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- sn_fwfisf
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- sn_humi
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- sn_icb
- Handling of icebergs (ICB)
- sn_Leff_isf
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- sn_msl
- MFS Bulk formulea (ln_mfs=true)
- sn_prec
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
| MFS Bulk formulea (ln_mfs=true)
- sn_qlw
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- sn_qsr
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
| Diurnal cycle (sbcdcy)
- sn_rhm
- MFS Bulk formulea (ln_mfs=true)
- sn_rnfisf
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- sn_sal
- Domain: Initial State (istate
| Tracer damping (tradmp)
- sn_snow
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- sn_tair
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
| MFS Bulk formulea (ln_mfs=true)
- sn_tdif
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- sn_tem
- Domain: Initial State (istate
| Tracer damping (tradmp)
- sn_windi
- MFS Bulk formulea (ln_mfs=true)
- sn_windj
- MFS Bulk formulea (ln_mfs=true)
- sn_wndi
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- sn_wndj
- CORE Bulk formulea (ln_core=true)
- tname
- Harmonic analysis of tidal
- traldf_grif
- Lateral Ocean Physics (LDF)
| Slopes for tracer iso-neutral
- traldf_grif_iso
- Slopes for tracer iso-neutral
- xmlio_server.def
- NetCDF4 Support (key_ netcdf4)
- Routines
- dom_msk_nsa
- Boundary Condition at the
- dyn_spg_ts
- Bottom Friction with split-explicit
- fld_read
- Input Data generic interface
| Implementation
- hgr_read
- Choice of horizontal grid
- inimpp2
- Exchange with neighbouring processors
- istate_t_s
- Domain: Initial State (istate
- lbc_lnk
- Exchange with neighbouring processors
| Water column model: 1D
| Water column model: 1D
- ldf_dyn_c2d_orca
- Horizontally Varying Mixing Coefficients
- ldfslp_init
- slopes for tracer geopotential
- sbc_blk_init
- Input Data generic interface
- sbc_isf_div
- Ice shelf melting (sbcisf)
- sbc_rnf_div
- River runoffs (sbcrnf)
- stp
- Water column model: 1D
- stp_c1d
- Water column model: 1D
- stp_ctl
- Standalone Surface Boundary Condition
- tra_dmp_init
- Tracer damping (tradmp)
- trc_oce_rgb
- Solar Radiation Penetration (traqsr)
- zdf_bfr
- Bottom Friction with split-explicit
Gurvan Madec and the NEMO Team
NEMO European Consortium2017-02-17