!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtra_ldf ! lateral diffusion scheme for tracers !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Operator type: ln_traldf_lap = .true. ! laplacian operator ln_traldf_bilap = .false. ! bilaplacian operator ! ! Direction of action: ln_traldf_level = .false. ! iso-level ln_traldf_hor = .false. ! horizontal (geopotential) (needs "key_ldfslp" when ln_sco=T) ln_traldf_iso = .true. ! iso-neutral (needs "key_ldfslp") ! ! Griffies parameters (all need "key_ldfslp") ln_traldf_grif = .false. ! use griffies triads ln_traldf_gdia = .false. ! output griffies eddy velocities ln_triad_iso = .false. ! pure lateral mixing in ML ln_botmix_grif = .false. ! lateral mixing on bottom ! ! Coefficients ! Eddy-induced (GM) advection always used with Griffies; otherwise needs "key_traldf_eiv" ! Value rn_aeiv_0 is ignored unless = 0 with Held-Larichev spatially varying aeiv ! (key_traldf_c2d & key_traldf_eiv & key_orca_r2, _r1 or _r05) rn_aeiv_0 = 2000. ! eddy induced velocity coefficient [m2/s] rn_aht_0 = 2000. ! horizontal eddy diffusivity for tracers [m2/s] rn_ahtb_0 = 0. ! background eddy diffusivity for ldf_iso [m2/s] ! (normally=0; not used with Griffies) rn_slpmax = 0.01 ! slope limit rn_chsmag = 1. ! multiplicative factor in Smagorinsky diffusivity rn_smsh = 1. ! Smagorinsky diffusivity: = 0 - use only sheer rn_aht_m = 2000. ! upper limit or stability criteria for lateral eddy diffusivity (m2/s) /
Values of iso-neutral diffusivity and GM coefficient are set as
described in §9.1. If none of the keys key_ traldf_cNd,
N=1,2,3 is set (the default), spatially constant iso-neutral and
GM diffusivity
are directly set by rn_aeih_0 and
rn_aeiv_0. If 2D-varying coefficients are set with
key_ traldf_c2d then
is reduced in proportion with horizontal
scale factor according to (9.1) D.1. In idealised setups with
key_ traldf_c2d,
is reduced similarly, but if key_ traldf_eiv
is set in the global configurations with key_ traldf_c2d, a horizontally varying
instead set from the Held-Larichev parameterisationD.2 (ldfeiv.F90) and rn_aeiv_0 is ignored
unless it is zero.
The options specific to the Griffies scheme include:
Gurvan Madec and the NEMO Team
NEMO European Consortium2017-02-17