The time stepping used for processes other than diffusion is the well-known leapfrog
scheme [Mesinger and Arakawa, 1976]. This scheme is widely used for advection
processes in low-viscosity fluids. It is a time centred scheme,
the RHS in (3.1) is evaluated at time step
, the now time step.
It may be used for momentum and tracer advection,
pressure gradient, and Coriolis terms, but not for diffusion terms.
It is an efficient method that achieves
second-order accuracy with just one right hand side evaluation per time step.
Moreover, it does not artificially damp linear oscillatory motion nor does it produce
instability by amplifying the oscillations. These advantages are somewhat diminished
by the large phase-speed error of the leapfrog scheme, and the unsuitability
of leapfrog differencing for the representation of diffusion and Rayleigh
damping processes. However, the scheme allows the coexistence of a numerical
and a physical mode due to its leading third order dispersive error. In other words a
divergence of odd and even time steps may occur. To prevent it, the leapfrog scheme
is often used in association with a Robert-Asselin time filter (hereafter the LF-RA scheme).
This filter, first designed by Robert [1966] and more comprehensively studied
by Asselin [1972], is a kind of laplacian diffusion in time that mixes odd and
even time steps:
Gurvan Madec and the NEMO Team
NEMO European Consortium2017-02-17