Model Domain Boundary Condition (jperio)
At the model domain boundaries several choices are offered: closed, cyclic east-west,
south symmetric across the equator, a north-fold, and combination closed-north fold
or cyclic-north-fold. The north-fold boundary condition is associated with the 3-pole ORCA mesh.
Closed, cyclic, south symmetric (jperio = 0, 1 or 2)
The choice of closed, cyclic or symmetric model domain boundary condition is made
by setting jperio to 0, 1 or 2 in namelist namcfg. Each time such a boundary
condition is needed, it is set by a call to routine lbclnk.F90. The computation of
momentum and tracer trends proceeds from
and from
in the model interior. To choose a lateral model boundary condition
is to specify the first and last rows and columns of the model variables.
- For closed boundary (jperio=0)
- , solid walls are imposed at all model
boundaries: first and last rows and columns are set to zero.
- For cyclic east-west boundary (jperio=1)
- , first and last rows are set
to zero (closed) whilst the first column is set to the value of the last-but-one column
and the last column to the value of the second one (Fig. 8.3-a).
Whatever flows out of the eastern (western) end of the basin enters the western
(eastern) end. Note that there is no option for north-south cyclic or for doubly
cyclic cases.
- For symmetric boundary condition across the equator (jperio=2)
- ,
last rows, and first and last columns are set to zero (closed). The row of symmetry
is chosen to be the
- and
points equator line (
, i.e. at the southern
end of the domain). For arrays defined at
points, the first row is set
to the value of the third row while for most of
- and
-point arrays (
, but scalar arrays such as eddy coefficients)
the first row is set to minus the value of the second row (Fig. 8.3-b).
Note that this boundary condition is not yet available for the case of a massively
parallel computer (key_mpp defined).
Figure 8.3:
setting of (a) east-west cyclic (b) symmetric across the equator boundary conditions.
North-fold (jperio = 3 to
The north fold boundary condition has been introduced in order to handle the north
boundary of a three-polar ORCA grid. Such a grid has two poles in the northern hemisphere
(Fig.16.1, and thus requires a specific treatment illustrated in Fig.8.4.
Further information can be found in lbcnfd.F90 module which applies the north fold boundary condition.
Figure 8.4:
North fold boundary with a
-point pivot and cyclic east-west boundary condition
), as used in ORCA 2, 1/4, and 1/12. Pink shaded area corresponds
to the inner domain mask (see text).
Gurvan Madec and the NEMO Team
NEMO European Consortium2017-02-17