!----------------------------------------------------------------------- &nam_tide ! tide parameters (#ifdef key_tide) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ln_tide_pot = .true. ! use tidal potential forcing ln_tide_ramp = .false. ! rdttideramp = 0. ! clname(1) = 'DUMMY' ! name of constituent - all tidal components must be set in namelist_cfg /
A module is available to compute the tidal potential and use it in the momentum equation. This option is activated when key_ tide is defined.
Some parameters are available in namelist nam_tide:
- ln_tide_pot activate the tidal potential forcing
- nb_harmo is the number of constituent used
- clname is the name of constituent
The tide is generated by the forces of gravity ot the Earth-Moon and Earth-Sun sytem;
they are expressed as the gradient of the astronomical potential (
The potential astronomical expressed, for the three types of tidal frequencies
following, by :
Tide long period :
(7.3) |
(7.4) |
(7.5) |
is the amplitude of the wave k, the pulsation of the wave k, the astronomical phase of the wave to Greenwich.
We make corrections to the astronomical potential. We obtain :
(7.6) |
Gurvan Madec and the NEMO Team
NEMO European Consortium2017-02-17